Chengde Baoguo Mining Co. Ltd. / Chengde Hao Ran zeolite powder factory, Wei chang county ,which was named north Zeohte weichang county Hebei prouince Factory, built in Jun 1995 ,
It's a private enterprise , legal person Sun Guoping .Its fixed assets are about 3.8 million
yuan .The main productions are Zeolite powder zeolitograins,expand soil,heavy calclum powder and forage ,etc.
I. Advantages of mineral resource
there is a zeolite mine in this factory, The exreme value is 150~180mg,and purity is about
75%.Its ascitmin number is over 1.5 million ,We have a special ceitificate given by the National
Mineral Union with the code 1308000220283.
II.Product and use of the production
1. We can produce 3,000,000tons of zeolite powder with the help of 6 series of machines to
develop .We have product certificate for producing and selling .The prlduct have been marked with the brand Cheng Xiang given by National Brand Managing office.
2. Now the forage powder is about 300mu,can be used mainly:
1) forage and forage additive.
2) water clean preparation .
3) animal medicine or additive body.
4) Chemical,paper,production,additive Imderetgent.
5) Additive of improving the soil and addition of ferterlizer.
III. Discussion of deep procession
Process the matural zoelite powder,it can be used more widely. The active and purified zoelite can be used to prlduce .4A or 5A Molecular sieve ztolite .This kind of zeolite can be used in detergent and washing powder .It can oun the biggest market and superprofit.
IV. Benirit and cost
I usually cost us 120 yuan to prlducd a ton of forage powder with 300mu.If extreme powder of 1500mu the cost will be 1000 yuan for a ton ,And every ton of powder can benefit 300 yuan Ir
so because the price is about more than one yuan for every mu at home and abioael markets .
If developed further into 4A or 5A powder ,the priu will be 3000 yuan a ton .And it has bright
future bdcause it dose no harm to river and pool ,not to cause aninals death by law from the nation.
V. Equipment
Now in china the equip ment has been made to prlduce powder and can be used to come into
effect ,However big equipment fiom abroad is more advanced and can produce more .
VI. Cooperation
Deep procession of zeolite powder (2,000,000tons per year)and deep procession of 4A and 5A molecular sieve .
The number of the instr ment of ratification from govermment is [2005 73]
VII. Need of fund
Produce zeolite powder 2,000,000tons a yeat , the need of fund is about $1200,000,000.If
produce 4A or 5A molecular sieve zeolite ,the fund will be valued soon.Other kinds of productions ,such as porcelain glaze glaze stone ,fluorite ,silica and so on..
VIII. Welcone any persons or factories full of money to this factory to visit and coopcrate
and run this factory we do so in order to improve its value and bdnifit according to inner and international markets and the advantage of this powder .
IVIII.Other minerals
Other minerals are fluorite, vitreous enamel ,silica powder ,calcium powder and so on,Thank anyone to help managing this.
Fang Yuan Forage Factory of Silteyong Toun Wei chang lounty
Address:Xia Di jie Village Si he yong Town Wei Chang County
Post code: 068451
Manager:Sun Guoping
Cellphone :13903149247 13833437198
Telephone :0314-7840725
Fax :0314-7842885